Another one from the park

This is another performance from T in the Park ’09, the same as the previously posted Killers one. Skeletons is one of my favorite songs of 2009 and this version does the goodness in the song justice.
I should definitely preface what I’m about to say with I completely love Karen O. You know when you already like something or someone and then you find another random reason to absolutely love them or their work? It’s like when I heard Staring at the Sun a few years ago and didn’t know who TV on the Radio was, and after I learned who they were had a full appreciation for what they do; or like when I found out that Robert Wright co-founded My pleasant surprise with Karen O was when I saw her name in the credits for Where the Wild Things Are. SHE DID THE SCORE. (It’s hilarious how many things I like on that list)
But I digress like a mofo, the reason why I was pseudo-apologizing for this observation is that it cannot be that flattering but I’m just going to put it out there: Doesn’t she look like these guys?

Now it may help to say that these guys are impersonating the Beatles, arguably the best band ever, so effectively Karen O is kind of impersonating the Beatles. Hopefully it also follows that the Yeah Yeah Yeahs will become wildly successful in the future.

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